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Excel - task num. 7: Marks


  • Logic functions
  • conditional formatting
  • Sorting Data

The main aim of this lesson is to introduce students with the use of logic functions.
Calculate the average marks of individual students.
Fill in the column "Total N" and "Number 5" by using the COUNTIF function - the number of objects in which the student was classified by the grade 5 or was not classified.
In the column "Rating" the following information: Use the logical IF function, specify the following conditions in order.
If the student will be evaluated from a subject signs “5" will be written in the guest failed.
If the student is not classified a subject of "N" will be written in the assessment not classified.
If the average signs of 1.5 pupils to write reviews - passed with distinction.
If the average signs of over 1.5 pupils write evaluations - passed.
Pupils with honors mark in color. Use conditional formatting.
Cells in which is a sign 5 or N accompaniment using conditional formatting
Pupils sort the diameter from the best to worst.
A table (except the "average" and "assessment") and copy the copied table to display signs of verbal expression, for example, instead of 1 is excellent, instead of N is not classified.

All tasks are in the attached file: zadani-prikladu-7-en.xls

webdesign, xhtml, css, php - Mgr. Michal Mikláš